Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Grandma's visit

My mom came into town a couple weeks after Nathan left.  

We went mini golfing.  It was fun but really HOT!  I played with Dyer and Blakely.  My mom played with Easton and Blair.


She hits the ball more like someone playing hockey than golf.

Easton and Blair


Someone wasn't a happy camper!
My mom ended up cutting my hair to about my chin while she was here.  I forgot how long it was!  I was going to donate it again but when I looked into it they weren't really taking donations anymore.

Painting banks that Gma brought for all the kids.






I'm not sure why I didn't get one of Blakely.  Oops!

While my mom was here she got interviewed for the local paper!  I had to laugh because she was complaining earlier that day about her hair.  The whole time she was here she would fix it but the humidity would end up making it it flat so she didn't even bother to do her hair that day.  Haha Mommy!  I also had to laugh because when they took her picture she purposely was holding McKinley so people would hopefully look at the cute baby instead of her...They obviously zoomed in on just my mom or cropped McKinley out.

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