Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Happy 5th birthday Blakely

Blakely had a great birthday!  Actually I should say a great birthday weekend!  She had a lot of fun spread out over a couple days.

She requested donuts for breakfast.

She went to school and brought cookies to share with her class.

All my beautiful girls!

As soon as her siblings came through the door she opened her gifts.  She was super excited about her bike but once I tried to get her outside to ride it she refused...She told me she needed dad and his belt to ride.  Let's just say that her bike sat there for a whole 6 months until Nathan got home.

She wanted cheesecake.


I took the girls to storytime and on this particular day they had the "bee guy" come and talk to the kids about bees.  He even brought some bees for the kids to look at.  Blakely loves all things animals.  She always knows weird/interesting facts about animals.  Blakely kept talking to the guy during his presentation to tell him all the interesting facts she knows about bees.  I think he was impressed but annoyed that she kept talking.  I tried to tell her to be quiet but she doesn't listen.  I almost think she could have been the one up there presenting.  

He even picked Blakely to come up and put on the beekeeper's clothes.

Grandma's visit

My mom came into town a couple weeks after Nathan left.  

We went mini golfing.  It was fun but really HOT!  I played with Dyer and Blakely.  My mom played with Easton and Blair.


She hits the ball more like someone playing hockey than golf.

Easton and Blair


Someone wasn't a happy camper!
My mom ended up cutting my hair to about my chin while she was here.  I forgot how long it was!  I was going to donate it again but when I looked into it they weren't really taking donations anymore.

Painting banks that Gma brought for all the kids.






I'm not sure why I didn't get one of Blakely.  Oops!

While my mom was here she got interviewed for the local paper!  I had to laugh because she was complaining earlier that day about her hair.  The whole time she was here she would fix it but the humidity would end up making it it flat so she didn't even bother to do her hair that day.  Haha Mommy!  I also had to laugh because when they took her picture she purposely was holding McKinley so people would hopefully look at the cute baby instead of her...They obviously zoomed in on just my mom or cropped McKinley out.


About a week after Nathan left I changed McKinley over to a toddler bed.  I've always put my kids in a toddler bed around 18 months.  I'm probably crazy for doing it but it seems to work out fairly well.

The kids helped me put the toddler bed together.  McKinley testing the bed out!

Fast asleep in her toddler bed!

Playing soccer at Blakely's practice.

Blakely soccer

Blakely had a really great first game and even scored!  I was super excited and thought it was an indication that she was going to have a really great year!  I was wrong!  I could be mistaken but it seems as though she was like, "Yep, I scored!  I did my part!  Now I don't have to do anything!"  After her first game I think she spent more time on the bench than on the field and it was her choice!  Her coaches would ask her if she wanted to go in and she would say, "No, I think I'll stay here."  Blakely was the youngest on her team even though she was just as tall as everyone that was a year older than her.  I'm pretty sure she was the only preschooler on her team- everyone else was in kindergarten.  I'm hoping that she wants to play next year because I think she definitely has great potential.  

Haha!  Good thing they didn't end up scoring!

Haha! She was always looking for an excuse to get on the bench!