Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Santa in the park

Earlier that day we went to the Niceville Christmas Parade but I didn't take a single picture.  The kids got TONS of candy!  Later that night we went to the Children's Park for the annual Santa in the park.  This was the first year we attended.  The kids had a great time making crafts, eating, and playing at the park.  They weren't all that excited to see Santa but I wanted to get a picture so they grudgingly went.  Luckily they got a goody bag from Santa's helper so I think that made up for it.

Eating popcorn and cookies and drinking hot chocolate.

Blakely was more than happy to get a picture with Rudolf but she didn't want anything to do with Santa.  "Santa's kind of a stalker...(she starts singing) He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake...that's kind of creepy!"

As I'm typing this right now Blakely states out of now where..."So Santa's real!?!  Dyer was lying!?!  That means he can bring us presents...but he didn't...he's such a meanie!"

Blair posing with her reindeer cookie she made.

Picture with Santa.

Valerie sent the kids a package with stockings the kids could decorate.

I found this gem on my phone...

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