Sunday, January 14, 2018

Random and Thanksgiving!

This picture cracks me up...This costume I believe is a 2T and yet Blakely still manages to squeeze herself into it!  She may be 4 but she is definitely the size of a 5 year old. 

Our stake had a fall festival and the kids were able to go on a hay ride.

The kids up to random things using my phone...

We put all the kids in charge of something for our Thanksgiving dinner:

Easton was in charge of the turkey with Nathan...His face says it all.  Easton was totally disgusted by the whole thing.

While the turkey was cooking Blair wanted to get outside to learn to roller blade.  We've had these roller blades for forever but Blair's been the first to really take an interest in them.

I took her roller skating the night before because she's been super excited to learn to skate.

She's starting to get the hang of it.

 Dyer was in charge of the stuffing.

Blair the potatoes.

Blakely the punch.

And McKinley was in charge of eating!

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