McKinley now has two bottom teeth that she sometimes bites me with...BOO!!!! Breastfeeding has become a bit like a Russian Roulette game. I have no idea when it's going to happen but it happens more frequently than I think it should which makes me a little nervous every time I sit down to feed her. I'm pretty sure all my kids have bit me but I swear she's done it more than all of them combined! Hopefully she'll learn not to do it sooner rather than later otherwise she might be my earliest baby I wean...
She is very mobile now! I wouldn't say she's crawling exactly but she does get from point A to point B. I guess the best way to describe it is she scoots on her butt...
She's a fairly happy baby now that she can get around and destroy things. She definitely keeps us on our toes.
She's a great eater! She LOVES food and basically eats most everything. She especially LOVES meat!
She's still a dancing machine!
This was one of the first videos of McKinley getting around. This was about 10 days before she turned 10 months.
Video of her kind of rolling her r's
She started shaking her head "no" to most everything.
Just a few days before she turned 10 months.
It's not very often that Blakely asks to hold her sister but I know that she loves her to pieces because everywhere we go she has to introduce her baby sister to everyone!
Blair is constantly asking to hold McKinley. Unfortunately she doesn't hold her for very long.
This is exactly where McKinley wants to be most of the time.
Another video of McKinley dancing. I swear this little girl has music playing in her head all day long!