Sunday, September 10, 2017

Hanging out with the Ward's

Roger and William were able to get away for a quick weekend trip to see Blair get baptized.  We spent most of the weekend at their time share pool.

Blair and Will after Blair's soccer game.

Blair eating a snack at the pool.

Blakely and Valerie

Dyer "this is the life!"

McKinley getting her toes wet.

Roger and Will

Easton trying to get Will in the water.

Will and Easton before his game.

Sleepover with the Ward!

After Blair's baptism

At the pool again!  This one had a little baby pool which McKinley enjoyed!

The kids were able to get Roger in the pool!

Nathan relaxing


Valerie with Dyer and Blakely

I love how sweet Blair is with her little sister.



All the kids in the pool

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