Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Funny and not so funny things


Back in December I had a parent from Blair's class approach me and warn me that Blair's teacher might be talking to me.  I asked out loud, "Oh, no what did Blair do now!?!"  She then went on to tell me how Blair had a bunch of kids (her's included) in tears the day before because she said, "Santa's dead and mom and dad give you gifts!"  The mom really wasn't happy with me or Blair.  In fact she told her daughter that Blair was probably bad the year before and didn't get any gifts from Santa, so that was why Blair said those mean things about Santa.  I'm guessing that girl now thinks that Blair is a bad kid.

Blair's been trying to say some bigger words lately.  About a month ago she was saying, "I'm so banished!"  This was a couple days after her Santa incident so it seemed, in a weird way, kind of fitting.  I asked her to explain herself because I was a little worried that kids were being mean to her.  She said, "You know, I'm so hungry!"  "Oh, you mean, famished!"

Blair is now going to "full day" Kindergarten.  I'm not exactly sure why they call it full day when she still gets out almost 1 1/2 hours before Easton, but whatever.  Now that she is going longer she gets to eat lunch at school.  A year ago my friend, Ting, told me that her daughter, for two weeks straight, ate her packed lunch from home for snack at recess and then bought lunch at school.  Ting got a nice bill two weeks later.  I sat Blair down the day before she was to start full day Kindergarten and explained what was going to happen for snack and lunch.  She did great the first day but then not so great the second day.  As soon as I picked her up she was so excited to tell me that she got lunch at school.  It turned out that she ate her lunch at recess because she didn't see her snack and then she bought a hot dog with carrots and oranges.  She ended up only eating two bites of her hot dog and one carrot.  I basically spent $1 for each bite that she took.  I'm guessing she wasn't very hungry since she had a whole lunch about an hour before that.  While she was telling me this story, guess what she was eating?  Yep, her snack that she didn't see!


I'm not sure how long ago this was and I might have already shared this.  Anyways, one day when we were walking home from taking the kids to school Dyer was bugging Blakely.  Not a shocker since he does this almost daily.  However, this particular day he reaches over and grabs her hand.  I should have thought something was up since it is Dyer after all, but instead I thought how cute it was that he wanted to hold her hand.  Less than a minute later Blakely starts crying and I can clearly see bite marks on her hand.  All that Dyer says is, "Hush up, Buttercup!"  So compassionate that little boy is!  
One day at church Dyer handed me a book to read to him.  I read the first page but then I got distracted by what the speaker was saying.  Eventually I hear Dyer saying, "then suddenly...." over and over again.  I guess that was my clue to continue reading the rest of the book to him.


On the way home from visiting family over Christmas break Blair must have been saying something that was annoying Easton.  So Easton says, "Blair, be like a Ziploc and zip it up!"  I couldn't stop laughing.  He must have gotten that line from one of his cousins.  Luckily he hasn't used it since.

Not funny...
Blakely has recently figured out how to open some doors in our house (basically the most important ones!)  Yesterday, Valerie came over and we were talking in the kitchen while I was unloading the dishwasher.  I didn't have time to load it since we were about to leave to pick Blair up from school.  We walk into the living room to get the kids ready to go and we realize that the front door is wide open!!!  That only means one thing....Blakely is outside somewhere!  I had a feeling (I'm sure it was the spirit) telling me to look at Valerie's!  Sure enough she was standing right outside Valerie's side door with a rock in each hand and a couple in her mouth.  So scary!  I'm so grateful that she was okay.  Definitely a lesson learned!  All doors need to remain locked at all times!  I now even have an alarm on the front door so I know every time the door opens.  I don't ever want that to happen again!

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