Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Christmas in Idaho

We went to Idaho to visit Nathan's side of the family.  We had a lot of fun and Easton was sad when we had to leave.  It would have been nice to stay a little longer to see everyone (some we basically said hi and bye and others we didn't even get to see) but a snow storm was coming through and we didn't want to be stuck driving in it.

 Helping Grandpa rake the leaves.  




Blakely wasn't very happy that she was left inside.

The kids had a lot of fun hanging out with their cousins.

Riding in the arctic cat.  Easton and Braeden rode too but I didn't get a picture.

Ella and Dyer


It's snowing!  You can't really see the snow but it's falling!

Snow dance:

The kids got a white Christmas!



Snow angel



This little girl loved playing in the snow.

Making a snow cave.

Haha Easton!

Someone got a little cold and came inside to warm up a bit.

Pure joy!

Even though he was so cold he didn't want to come in because he was having so much fun.

This little lady enjoyed every time someone tracked snow into the house.

She sure loves eating snow!

Eating snow!

Nathan digging the snow cave.

Easton and Blair in the snow cave.  Easton really wanted to camp out in the snow cave.  

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