Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Eve

We decided to go to Candy Cane Lane/ Lollipop Lane. I wanted to go earlier in December but it didn't end up happening.  Christmas Eve was about our last chance.

Strolling along to see the lights! Nathan, Easton, Blair, and Dyer

One of me and little Princess (Blakely).  It's a little difficult to get a good picture when you're taking the picture yourself.  I guess I should have had Nathan take a picture of us.

Lollipop Lane

 Another one on Lollipop Lane

We stopped halfway through to drink hot cocoa and Easton wanted his own photo shoot of silly faces....

Did I mention it snowed that night?  
I'm only kidding.  It was actually fairly warm (58 degrees) and I was wearing flip flops.

Easton even made me take silly videos of him but it was too dark to see them.

Drinking hot chocolate!

Christmas Eve also happens to be Easton's teacher's birthday.  Since she lives just one street over from us, Easton and I made her cookies and brought them over to her.  She wasn't home so we left them on the doorstep and called her to wish her a Happy Birthday!  She asked us if we were going to do anything special for Christmas and we told her we were going to Candy Cane Lane.  She said she was going to be there too at her Aunt's house for dinner.  She told us to call her when we got there so she could give Easton a hug.
Easton with Miss Martinez and Malia.  Maila is in Easton's class and also happens to be Miss Martinez's niece.

Miss Martinez was nice enough to take a family picture of us.

Candy Cane Lane

 After the lights we went home and the kids got to open their Christmas pjs.

For whatever reason Easton's pjs look pink here but they are definitely red.

Blakely Ann!

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