Sunday, January 5, 2014

Blakely at 3 months!

Blakely had her two month check up two days before she was three months old.  She was 13 lbs 2 oz and 24 in. long.  She is definitely my tallest baby so far!

Blakely's newest thing this month is she loves to stand up.  She just wants someone to hold her up in the standing position.  She is starting to not like the swing, bouncy chair, or playmat as much because of this.  She does like her bumbo chair for short periods of time.

Blakely likes to be part of the action. She can't stand being by herself.  As long as she can see someone and they are giving her the attention she wants, she's a pretty content baby.

Blakely loves putting her fingers in her mouth these days!  I almost think she prefers them over her binkie.

We've gotten her to giggle a little bit but still not the full belly laugh that I'm anxiously awaiting!  Can't wait!

She still loves that tongue of hers.  I just love her smile.  It is very contagious.  Blakely has started doing a flirty look that Easton did as a baby.  It makes me smile every time she does it.

Blakely is still sleeping in our room and that is because she is still not very consistent with her sleeping.  There have been nights where she will sleep about 8-10 hours but most of the time she still gets up at least once a night to eat.  

Blakely really enjoys Easton!  Easton is really cute with her too!  He is my go to person when I'm busy making dinner.  He is very good at entertaining her so I can get things done.  The best part (for now) is he doesn't complain and is always willing to do it!

Blakely likes to talk (coo) a lot.

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