Thursday, October 31, 2013

Preschool Field Trip

Note to self:  When you download pictures make sure you have downloaded all the pictures before you decide to delete them off your camera!!!  I am so mad right now....I deleted so many pictures and I didn't realize it until I sat down to blog.  Pictures from our Ward Halloween Party...GONE!!!  Pictures of Blakely at one month....GONE!!!  Videos and pictures from Easton's last soccer game and team party....GONE!!!!  There is probably more than that but that is all that I remember right now.  I really just want to cry right now.  I always check before I delete but when I grabbed the camera to take pictures of Blair's preschool trick or treating I just assumed that they were all downloaded and deleted all of them since I was running out of memory.  I am so angry!

Here's the only pictures that ended up downloading....

Kyron and Dyer

Nathan and Blair (this was Nathan's last day of paternity leave before he had to go back to work).

Tractor ride.  Of course Dyer had to sit right next to Valerie!

Blair found her pumpkin!

Dyer found his pumpkin!

Going through the corn maze!

Hay fort!

Petting zoo!

Dyer asked the goats if they wanted to play with him!  So cute!


Blair with her friend Abby!

Brushing the pony.

Blair holding a kitten.

It looks like Dyer is being mean but actually he is just trying to feed the pigs hay!

Dyer holding a duck.

On the positive side I have a lot less blogging to do now that I don't have any pictures to blog about!  Did I mention how upset I am?  I'm wishing right now that I had a lot of blogging to do to catch up.  I'm just going to go cry now.......

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blakely at 2 weeks!

Okay so she is technically 3 weeks today but I did take these when she was 2 weeks...


Nap Time

This is what happens when someone doesn't get their afternoon nap...

They fall asleep at the dinner table!  This happens more frequently these days!

While Grandma was here...

I'm so glad my mom was able to come out and help!  The time definitely went by way too fast and we definitely miss her like crazy!  Thanks mommy!

This was the whole reason why my mom came out!

Caught smiling in her sleep!

Grandma giving Dyer a horsey ride!

Video of horsey ride:

Another type of horsey ride,

Sorry it's dark but I just LOVE Dyer's laugh!

Superhero girl!

First real bath! 
Blakely slept through most of it.  She loved it until I took her out and wrapped her in a towel.

These two are crazy!
Apparently they are dinosaurs?!?

Blair's wearing the pajama top and Easton the bottoms.

She's supposed to be doing tummy time...Blakely rolled over from tummy to back twice when she was only 4 days old!  She did it again at 8 days old!

Tummy time with sister!  
Blair LOVES her baby sister and can't stop touching her or kissing her.  It's not uncommon for her to be right next to me anytime I'm feeding Blakely.  I feel bad but I tell Blair that she can't touch Blakely when she is sleeping because Blakely needs a little break from Blair every once in a while.  You can guarantee the second she wakes up Blair is right there in her face!   

Dyer and Blakely:
Dyer adores his little sister (Baby, Baby Princess, or Bakey as he usually calls her).  He is constantly asking if he can hold her.

The kids don't like it when Blakely is crying.  They come running when they hear her and try to make it all better by giving her her binky (the kids generally call it banky-Easton and Blair or pinky-Dyer).   

I guess Dyer had enough of her crying and decided to just plug his ears!

Diaper cake made by the Miamaids.  All the young women have spoiled me rotten.  The Laurels came over and watched the kids for free so Nathan and I could go out on a date.  They even cleaned part of my house!  The Beehives made Blakely a quilt and came over to deliver it!  The Miamaid's made the diaper cake but they also gave each of the kids a mind teaser game.

All four kids!  I like Blakely's thumb in the air!

Valerie doesn't like to hold babies.  She thinks they are too fragile and she is afraid to hold them.  I made her hold Blakely and I took a picture.  Seriously she held her long enough for me to take a picture and then she asked me to take her.  

Sweet little Blakely!  
She is such a good baby.  I just LOVE the baby stage!

Grandma time!

Thanks mommy for coming!  Feel free to come back anytime!



Totally checking herself out in the mirror!

Being silly!


Easton played against his best friend's team.  He was so excited about playing against Nicholas that he really didn't do much playing.  It was more talking and doing silly things than soccer playing.  He had fun though!  Here are some of the highlights:
Only watch the first 2-5 seconds.
They just learned about guarding the other team at practice earlier that week and Easton definitely got a little too into it.


Back shot

Skip ahead to 5 seconds.
Not sure where he learned this and why he was doing it but I can guarantee they did not learn this at practice earlier that week!

Here's another one! 
Maybe he was bored playing defense or maybe he was cold?

That's better!


Last pregnancy pics.

These were the last pregnancy pics before Blakely was born.  We all know what a great blogger I am so these are late as usual.

39 Weeks!

Blair and I went and got pedicures.

40.2 weeks!  2 days over due and 2 days before Blakely was born!

Here's a belly shot!