Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kindergarten Christmas Songs

All the Kindergarten classes put on a little Christmas Concert.  They were so cute, especially my little guy!  I love how Easton loves to sing!  It makes me happy!

Before the Concert.
We were sitting really far back.  I had to zoom in so the picture is on the blurry side.  The videos are really shaky because I had to hold the camera above my head in order to see Easton above everyone's head.  It didn't help that he was on the bottom row.

There should have been videos of Easton singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and We Wish You a Merry Christmas but they were too long!  Such a bummer because they were really cute! 

Video of Easton saying the Gingerbread man:

Easton less blurry.

After the concert I went to the front to snap a quick picture.  Such a cute little dude!

I asked him to put his fingers down (away from his face) and this is what he did.  I love the pose!

Easton's #1 fans!

I was waiting to post this (and two other posts) for a few weeks now so I could put videos on but I still don't know how to make the memory smaller to download, so it is what it is.  I just need to post these and move on.  I guess if you want to see the videos you will just have to make a trip here to see them!  I posted two other posts as well : )

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