Thursday, January 24, 2013


Nathan had to work nights the week of Christmas so it was just the kids and I celebrating Christmas Eve together.

The kids all ready to open their pjs.

Modeling their new pjs.

Goofy picture.  Of course Dyer actually decides to smile in this one!  Silly boy!

Nathan got home around 7 am.  We got the kids up and opened presents right away so that Nathan could go to bed.
Video of Dyer:

Video of Blair:

Video of Easton:

Easton and Dad playing Power Rangers.

Dyer opening his train.

Video of Blair:

Blair with some of her new princesses.

Easton with his favorite Power Ranger (Red!).  Thanks Gma!

Video of Easton:

Video of the kids trying to find their gift from Valerie:
Sorry it's really dark but it's kind of fun to hear the kids' reaction.

Video of the kids on the trampoline:
Thanks Valerie!  The kids love it, especially Blair!

Video of Dyer:
My Grandma sent all of us gifts as well.  Dyer got some candy and a stuffed Christmas tree!  Thanks Grandma!

Video of Blair:
Blair got a coloring book, candy/treats, money.  Easton basically got the same thing as Blair.

Easton with his new Leapster game.

Dyer opening Gma's gift!

He LOVES this train!  Thanks Gma!

Video of Blair:
I love how Blair says "Wow" for everything even though she's not sure what it is.  What she does know is if it has a princess on it, it has to be cool!

Blair's gift from Gma!

Video of Blair:

Dyer playing with his train set.

Video of Dyer:
Love Dyer's big grin!

Video of Easton:
Seriously this was basically Easton's reaction to everything he opened!  Classic!  It was definitely a fun year watching Easton open his gifts!  I sure love this kid!

Easton playing with his new imaginex space thing from Valerie.

Video of Blair:
I love how she has to pose with her gift every time she opens it!  Such a funny girl!

Blair got a Rapunzel magnetic doll to dress up from Valerie.

Dyer got a dog book from Valerie.

Grandpa Layne spoiled us with tons of gift cards.  The kids basically had a second Christmas when they spent their cards at Toys R Us.  Easton got an imaginex dinosaur and another Leapster game.  Blair got some more princesses for her castle and a shopping cart.  And Dyer got a ride on tractor.

Grandma and Grandpa Whiting got us movie tickets and money!

There was definitely a theme going on this year.  Easton got lots of Power Ranger things, Blair got lots of Princess things, and Dyer got train things!  The kids had a great day and definitely got spoiled by all their grandparents!  Thanks everyone!

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