Friday, December 28, 2012

Preschool Fieldtrip

Blair's preschool class took a trip to the Jelly Belly Factory.  I definitely enjoyed this field trip better than going to the tree farm the last 2 years with Easton's class.  We stayed nice and warm, got some free candy in the process, and the kids finally got to see Santa Claus!

Before the tour.

Meeting Santa Claus.  
Dyer wasn't a fan!  He didn't cry, but he didn't want anything to do with Santa.

Santa tried to get Dyer closer but as you can tell Dyer was fighting it!

Valerie jumped in so that I could get all the kids with Santa.

Dyer finally got brave enough to get close to Santa to get some candy!

Video of Easton singing:

Outside in front of the Christmas tree.

I wanted a picture of the kids with Valerie.  Don't you just love Dyer's "cheese" face?

Dyer didn't want to cooperate anymore.

Valerie grabbed him for one last pic.

I have other posts I want to publish but I can't download some videos I want because they are too long.  I'm waiting for Nathan to be awake during the day so he can hopefully help me.   (last night call tonight...for a couple weeks anyways!) 

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