Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Here are some videos that I was finally able to download because they weren't too long!  At the end are some videos from Easton's test that he took yesterday.

Forward punches:

Forward tumble rolls:

Left forward tumble rolls:

Back falls:

Phase 1 (of 3) of the routine Easton has to know to test for his white belt:

Take down #1:

Take down #2:

Take down #3:


I can't remember what this is called:

Upward blocks and Outward blocks:

Forward punches and double punches:

High elbow to the rear:
Yes, he gets distracted, but luckily not too distracted like he normally does : )

Forward tumble rolls:

Right forward tumble rolls:

Start of Phase 2 (of 3):
Phase 1 was a little too long to download but he did it perfectly.  I only got the beginning of phase 2 before my camera ran out of memory and shut off.

Easton also did his take downs but I didn't have enough memory to film them.

Easton passed with a 3.29/4.0.  Out of 16 that tested Easton was 9th in his class.  That is pretty good since he is for sure one of the youngest (if not the youngest).  Great job Easton!  You worked hard and you did amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Easton looks really good Ashley. I am impressed. Tell him grandma is proud of him!!!!
