Sunday, December 30, 2012

Karate Christmas Party

Easton's Karate class had a Christmas Party.  This is where the kids got their belts and other awards.  At the end of the party Santa came for a visit and gave all the kids a gift (all the parents were asked to bring a wrapped gift for their own kid).

Easton got a scholastic achievement award.

Video of Easton getting his white belt:
It's kind of dark...Sorry!

Showing me his certificate and belt (white/orange belt)

Sitting on Santa's lap and getting his gift!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Preschool Fieldtrip

Blair's preschool class took a trip to the Jelly Belly Factory.  I definitely enjoyed this field trip better than going to the tree farm the last 2 years with Easton's class.  We stayed nice and warm, got some free candy in the process, and the kids finally got to see Santa Claus!

Before the tour.

Meeting Santa Claus.  
Dyer wasn't a fan!  He didn't cry, but he didn't want anything to do with Santa.

Santa tried to get Dyer closer but as you can tell Dyer was fighting it!

Valerie jumped in so that I could get all the kids with Santa.

Dyer finally got brave enough to get close to Santa to get some candy!

Video of Easton singing:

Outside in front of the Christmas tree.

I wanted a picture of the kids with Valerie.  Don't you just love Dyer's "cheese" face?

Dyer didn't want to cooperate anymore.

Valerie grabbed him for one last pic.

I have other posts I want to publish but I can't download some videos I want because they are too long.  I'm waiting for Nathan to be awake during the day so he can hopefully help me.   (last night call tonight...for a couple weeks anyways!) 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Here are some videos that I was finally able to download because they weren't too long!  At the end are some videos from Easton's test that he took yesterday.

Forward punches:

Forward tumble rolls:

Left forward tumble rolls:

Back falls:

Phase 1 (of 3) of the routine Easton has to know to test for his white belt:

Take down #1:

Take down #2:

Take down #3:


I can't remember what this is called:

Upward blocks and Outward blocks:

Forward punches and double punches:

High elbow to the rear:
Yes, he gets distracted, but luckily not too distracted like he normally does : )

Forward tumble rolls:

Right forward tumble rolls:

Start of Phase 2 (of 3):
Phase 1 was a little too long to download but he did it perfectly.  I only got the beginning of phase 2 before my camera ran out of memory and shut off.

Easton also did his take downs but I didn't have enough memory to film them.

Easton passed with a 3.29/4.0.  Out of 16 that tested Easton was 9th in his class.  That is pretty good since he is for sure one of the youngest (if not the youngest).  Great job Easton!  You worked hard and you did amazing!

Festival of Trees!

Every year Vacaville has the Festival of Trees.  It's a really big deal and everyone donates tons of things (trees, crafts, food, etc.)  All the trees are decorated really pretty with a theme and most have tons of gifts on or under the tree.  A lot of these gifts are from vendors in Vacaville.  People bid on the trees and its not uncommon for someone to buy a tree and give it to someone else (Secret Santa kind of thing).  Anyways, all the money earned goes to the Opportunity House (homeless shelter) here in Vacaville.  If I remember correctly a young woman started this as a personal progress project and it has become a tradition ever since.  Every year the Relief Society makes crafts to be sold and the Young Women make ornaments for their donated tree.  I usually make treats.  On the last day they have kids day where kids can come and do lots of fun and free activities.  We've done this the last two years and the kids seem to really enjoy it.  After the crafts we walk around and look at all the trees and then sit down and listen to the concert going on at the time.

Easton coloring his ornament.  

I'm not sure what a rainbow has to do with Christmas, but Easton and Blair had fun putting gold glitter on them.

Gramma Kennedy and Dyer.  

There was a long line to get face painting done.  Valerie saw an empty chair and paint so she sat down and went to work!  She cracks me up!

Easton got a rainbow.  

Blair's turn!

Blair wanted a purple heart but Valerie didn't hear her at first so Valerie ended up painting a purple heart in the center.

Dyer's "Cheese"!  He looks more upset than happy.  We might have to come up with a different word for him!

Happy little guy!

Dyer's turn!

He wasn't a fan and ended up getting paint in his hair because he kept moving!

Dyer's smiling face!?!

Making reindeer food!  Dyer actually surprised me.  He scooped the food into the bag all by himself without making a mess.  Such a big boy!

Easton stringing cereal onto a string.

Blair's finished necklace.

Gramma Kennedy, Valerie, and Dyer watching the concert.

Stone Soup!

Easton's preschool class made Stone Soup and Pumpkin bread the week before Thanksgiving break and invited all the parents and siblings in for a feast!  It was really cute!  All the kids had either a pilgrim or Indian hat on.  Dyer and I went, but we were a little late so we missed them singing.  I felt bad that I was late, but I felt worse when Easton told me he was sad that I missed him singing.  Let's hope that never happens again!  We had a great time though.

Easton was so excited to show off his little brother!

My cute boys!

Easton's teacher, Ms. Crummey-Smith, reading the kids a book.