Sunday, April 14, 2024

November 2023

1st grade Veterans Day Concert

BYU Football game

Nathan took the boys to their first BYU football game!

I was a little jealous that I didn't go but then again I got to watch the game all warm and cozy on our couch.  Plus they brought us home some cougar tails and cookies and cream milk so I think I might have won in the end!  While I was watching I saw Nathan and the boys on TV!  They are famous now!  I tried to go back and pause it to take a picture but it kept coming out fuzzy...

Preschool-Thanksgiving Party and letter Gg

Haha! This is exactly how she felt!  
I was supposed to teach preschool twice that week but Eden came down with a fever and wasn't feeling well so I canceled on Wednesday.  I was a little annoyed we had to cancel because I spend so much time preparing on the days I teach.  I kind of felt bad making Eden suffer through on Thursday but at the same time I felt bad canceling on Wednesday. Teaching on Thursday meant I had two days worth of stuff to fit in one day.  It was a bit crazy and we didn't get to everything planned but I think most of the kids had fun!

G for giraffe

Beau is so weird!  He likes being held.  I swear he thinks he's human!

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