Sunday, April 21, 2024

December 2023


Dec. 1st- snow!

We tried getting a picture of Beau for our Christmas letter...


Christmas letter:

Family and friends,

Hi, I’m Beau and I’m new around here. I’m about to turn ONE on Dec.15th and I joined my fur-ever family back in Feb. Since then I’ve had a full time job guarding my family from scary people and dogs. I bark and growl and they run away in fear. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Nathan’s gone most days at work. However, as soon as he walks in the door I run straight for him and my tail starts wagging uncontrollably I fear it might fall off one of these days. Nathan started flying again, which makes Ashley super nervous. He also started a garden this year which surprisingly did really well. Did you know corn stalks/corn and thornless blackberry stalks taste delicious and make really great chew toys? Nathan had to ruin my fun by putting up a fence around the garden.

I know I’m not supposed to have favorites but if I did, it would definitely be Ashley. When I’m not napping, I follow her around like a little shadow all day long. My favorite days are laundry days! There is nothing better than stealing dirty socks and underwear. However, I’ll never turn down clean ones either. When Ashley’s not training me, she’s usually running the kids around to school or other activities. She also keeps busy with her newish church calling (primary secretary) and teaching Eden’s preschool class twice a month.

My second favorite is probably Easton. He just gets me. When he isn’t busy “riling me up” almost every night right before bedtime and annoying Nathan in the process, he is usually found doing homework and occasionally working on college applications. Yes, he is a Senior now! He took his Senior trip with the family (minus me) to Cancun over Thanksgiving. I got to hang out with Gpa and Gma Kelsey and 4 puppy pals. I heard Easton got to practice his Spanish and the family was able to visit Chichén Itzá and swim in a Cenote. Easton also got his drivers license earlier this year which has been super helpful. Easton enjoyed track, cross country, and robotics this year. Easton was also inducted into National Honors Society.

Blair’s a great trainer. She went to training classes with me and Ashley for most of the summer. When Blair’s not bossing me around, she’s either working hard as a Freshman in high school or enjoying extracurricular activities-reading, choir, piano, guitar, production and design, robotics, and art. Blair submitted a piece of scratch art into a local art show this summer and won 2nd place! I bet she would have got 1st place if she would have done a scratch art of me instead of a bear...

Dyer, Dyer, Dyer...He likes to pretend like I don’t exist but I know deep down I’m his favorite dog. In fact we play this special game almost daily. Dyer goes out and jumps on the trampoline. I wait by the door and count to 10ish and then push the bell. Someone opens the door and I run to the trampoline and “tag” Dyer. He always brings me back inside but I know it is so we can play again! When Dyer’s not at school or jumping on the trampoline he enjoys all things football! Watching BYU football, playing Madden (football video game), playing football on the trampoline and field. His 7th grade team got 2nd this year. Dyer started most games as an offensive tackle.

About a month after I was adopted, Blakely broke her ankle roller skating. I was told she had to be pushed around in a wheel chair when the family went to the “happiest place on earth” and Universal in Florida. I’m not sure why I wasn’t invited but I got spoiled at Gpa and Gma Uehling and got to hang out with my doggy friend, Sam. After spring break, Blakely was tested and invited to join the gifted and talented program (GT). She has enjoyed the GT program this year as a 4th grader. Breaking her ankle hasn’t slowed her down. Blakely just finished up city basketball and just started her basketball traveling team.

Every once in a while I get to walk KK to and from school. It’s one of my favorite things to do because I get CHEESE! KK loves 1st grade and is reading like a champ! If I’m lucky I get to hear her read almost daily. KK also loves all things Arts and Crafts. She is very creative and artistic. She also enjoys singing, dancing, playing basketball, and is starting to learn to play the piano. Over the summer one of KK’s favorite activities was driving the ice bummer car when we were up in McCall. I was able to join the family this time as I had just gotten surgery and had to wear the “cone of shame”. Man do I miss that cone! After McCall we went to Gpa and Gma Kelsey’s cabin for a family reunion. It was a lot of fun-especially with 10 dogs to run around with.

Eden and I definitely have a love/hate relationship. One minute we are pestering each other and the next we are playing hide-n-seek. We both LOVE cheese which is both a blessing and a curse. I feel like she is always stealing MY cheese but every once in a while she’ll slip me some! Eden’s as sassy as they come. Watch out because if her attitude doesn’t kill you her “look” sure will! She may be sassy but she is also hilarious. Eden enjoys preschool but would prefer to watch screen time instead.

This will probably be the one and only time Beau makes it into our Christmas letter...

Between Blakely's madness (basketball) games we took a little trip out to see balance rock.  It was interesting but probably not something I'll drive out to see again...

Someone's a little bored!

Christmas treats we made this year to give out to friends and neighbors.

Christmas party for Preschool.

Ward Christmas party.  Easton played the guitar while Blair and Oliva sang.  Oliva's mom played the piano.

Eden was a little braver this year with Santa!

Eden super cute!  
Pay attention to her hair because in a couple weeks it will look completely different...

KK's tooth had been super loose for a while.  It was so loose she looked like Nanny McPhee with that tooth hanging out.

Nathan finally convinced her to let him pull it out.

First tooth Dec. 30th

Thanksgiving in Cancun

 Over Thanksgiving break we took the family on Easton's senior trip to Cancun.

Sleeping at a hotel next to the airport for our early flight.

Monday Nov. 20th

Tuesday Nov. 21st
We hit up the waterpark, pool, and beach

Dyer, Blakely and KK got to enjoy the obstacle course. The rest of the kids were either too old or too young. 

Waiting for dinner

Someone was a little tired and fell asleep waiting for dinner.

Wednesday Nov. 22nd

We went to Chichen Itza and swam at a Cenote. We had to get up super early to get there at a reasonable time.  It was a 2 1/2 hour ride each way.  Eden and Dyer of course got sick many times.  Luckily we had enough bags but I was getting super nervous at one point that we might run out!

Eden was not a fan of the water (just like when we went to Hawaii).  It was definitely warmer than the waterfall in Hawaii.

We finally spotted a spider monkey!

We also saw a couple raccoons that would hide in an utility closet and raid room service food left outside for pick up.

Thursday Nov. 23

When most people were eating turkey we were eating Asian. We got to enjoy Teppanyaki!

It was a nice warm trip! It was snowing when we got back home...Boo!