Thursday, October 26, 2023

March 2023


Eden fell asleep at the table!

McKinley got student of the month in March.  They rotate which teacher (1 from each grade) gets to pick a student from their class.  This means each teacher gets to pick 2 or 3 students each year.  Rumor has it once you get student of the month you can't get again in another grade.  It's pretty impressive that McKinley got it her kindergarten year! 

I was really depressed when it snowed in March.  I told myself that I could handle snow until March 1 but then this happened and unfortunately continued to happen!  It was a really long and cold March.  I'm glad that we decided to make a trip to Florida (Disney World) to thaw out for a little bit.

Nathan's birthday!  
We didn't have much time to celebrate because Nathan had to take Easton up to Boise for his Robotics competition.

While the boys are away (minus Dyer) the girls like to play...okay not really but Blakely and KK's school was having a fun night out at the roller skating rink.  I really didn't want to go but the girls really, really, really wanted to go.  Well, once we got there, it was a really long line to get in.  I tried convincing them to go home (I was freezing!) but they wouldn't budge.  After about 45 minutes of waiting in the cold we finally paid to get in.  We got our skates and while I was helping KK with her skates, Blakely left us for the rink.  KK and I were rather slow getting around the rink but shortly after we made our first lap, Blakely passed us and then fell pretty hard on the ground. She managed to get up with my help but was crying saying her foot hurt.  She couldn't put much weight on her foot so how she was ever able to get herself back to where our shoes were was kind of a miracle.  I finished taking KK the rest of the way around the rink and then we got off and grabbed our shoes.  By this time Blakely was more than ready to go home but she couldn't put any weight on her foot.  I had to give her a piggy back ride all the way to our car which was parked forever away!  There was no parking anywhere near Skateland. 

I probably should have taken Blakely to urgent care but waited until Nathan got home the next day.  She ended up breaking her ankle at the growth plate so we had a few visits over the course of 5 months to the orthopedic surgeon.  She had her last appointment in August and he said everything looks good!

A week after Blakely got her boot off her 3rd grade class had their end of the school year trip to Skateland!  What are the chances of that?!?  Blakely went but she was not allowed to put on any skates!!!

Side note:  KK had been asking for a while to ride her bike to school.  I told her we could do a test ride and see how she does.  I kept putting it off because the weather wasn't very good and she still had times where she had a hard time starting and stopping her bike correctly.  Also, she was still having some difficulty staying in the middle of the sidewalk (she's used to riding on a wide street).  Well, I finally caved and took her for a test ride a couple hours before we went to Skateland...  She passed with flying colors and was super excited to start biking to school come Monday.  Needless to say that didn't end up happening since Blakely broke her ankle and was out of commission!  Instead, we drove to school for almost the rest of the school year!  KK finally got to bike the last week of school.

Easton at his Robotics competition.  Notice he isn't wearing the same t-shirt as his team?  I'm not sure how he managed to grab the wrong shirt but he did!  Luckily for me it was easier to spot him!  Also, it was nice that they streamed the competition so that I could watch his team compete from home.

While Nathan was up in Boise he bought a 2013 Subaru Outback for Easton.  We thought we were getting a decent deal on the car but it turned out that they weren't completely honest/upfront with certain things.  Eventually, we noticed oil leaking on the driveway so we brought it in to the mechanic to take a look at it.  Thank goodness we did because it was a way bigger problem than we thought and had we drove it much longer it probably would have done a lot of damage!  I can't remember everything that was wrong with the car but the way someone "tried" to fix something before we bought it, was not in any way, shape, or form done correctly.  The shop here in town didn't have the correct tools to fix I think it was the engine so they had to pull it out and send it to Utah to get it rebuilt.  Long story short it took a few weeks to get it done correctly and way too much money!  I think we would have been better off just buying a brand new car!

Also, the day after we brought Easton's car home it wouldn't start.  We thought maybe we left a light on and drained the battery.  Nathan tried jumping the car but it wouldn't start.  We thought maybe our jumper cables were duds so we asked our neighbors if we could use theirs.  I think they had a battery charger so we left it to charge overnight.  I think it worked the next morning but then later that day we couldn't get it to start again!  Nathan figured the battery was old and we probably needed a brand new battery.  Over the course of a couple days it was hit or miss whether or not the car would turn over.  It was so strange!  Eventually we figured it out though...The key on the left with the Subaru logo on it would start the car but the key on the right without the Subaru logo would not start the car-only unlock the car.  We kept switching up the keys so depending on which key we had would determine whether or not the car would start.

Nathan wanted a key lime pie for his birthday.  We celebrated a couple days later.

St. Patrick's Day

March birthdays celebration at Gma Gretch's house.

We went to Disney World and Universal for Spring Break-different post for that!

Some of my kids got sick towards the end of Spring Break.  Once we were home Blakely wasn't feeling well on Sunday so I let her stay home from church with Eden who was still sleeping and had been sick off and on the last couple days.  Once we got home we saw Eden on the couch completely still.  When we got closer we realized she had puked all over herself and refused to move!  Blakely was right next to her but somehow didn't realize she puked...I'm curious how long she was laying like this.

A couple days later KK came home from school and they both took naps!

Spring pictures!

Snow again-Mar. 30th!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Blair's choir concert-8th grade


KK turns 6!

We decided on doing a Fancy Nancy themed birthday party!  It was definitely a fun one to plan.

Definitely need work on balloon arches but it turned out alright.

You can't have a Fancy Nancy party without all the fun dress up attire!

We ended up having 11 little girls (KK included) at the party!  At first I was a little worried not many girls would show up because of the long weekend (I think it was a 4 day weekend).  We did it on a Thursday night which also worried me that not many would show up but they all did (except 2-one of which got sick that morning otherwise she would have been there).

Fancy cupcakes! 
I had fun making these but some of the heels kept coming off so if there is a next time, I'll need to figure out a different way of attaching them.

I started setting up for KK's party while she was at school.  The day before her party I only had maybe 5 people RSVP.  Starting a 5am the day of the party the RSVPs started rolling in...I even had someone RSVP an hour before her party!  CRAZY!  It's a good thing that I planned as if everyone was coming because I would have been in trouble if I had to scramble at the last second. 

We served crepes but I'm not sure I would do that again with a bunch of 5/6 year olds.  I'm not sure many of them knew what crepes were or how to eat them...oops!  We also had eclairs, cream puffs, and cute heart shaped macarons.

Blair and her friend, Oliva, were kind enough to paint all the little girls nails.

Opening gifts! 
 It was a mad house trying to keep up with KK so I gave up a quarter of the way in.

I should have got a picture of all the girls lined up in their fancy clothes but totally didn't get around to it.

KK's party was the day before her actual birthday.

KK insisted she wanted an ice cream cake so I attempted to make her one.  It actually looked really good the night before and I should have took a picture of it before I went to bed.  I made the mistake of putting canned whipped topping on it and then freezing it.  The whipped topping ended up dissolving/melting which caused the oreos on top to fall over.  I never in a million years would have thought that could happen.  It looked really sad and I was really sad when I opened the freezer to take it out.  If there is ever a next time, I'll need to remember to wait and decorate the top right before serving.  Luckily I was able to somewhat fix it though!

 The next day she went over the Grandma Gretch's house for a cousin sleepover!  She definitely had a wonderful birthday weekend!