Friday, December 30, 2022



If you didn't know...this girl is a booty shaker!

Easton finished Drivers Ed!  He should have finished back in July but his instructor decided to take a 2 week vacation...I don't have anything against his instructor taking a vacation but it was the timing that was really lame.  Easton only had his last drive left  and you would think either of the instructors could do the last drive but this particular instructor insists on doing the last drive (this is the parent drive which is his favorite drive).  I get that he likes to get to know the parents a little better and be the one to hand over the permit but it was really annoying that he wouldn't let the other instructor do it-who was more than willing to do it.  Why do the students have to suffer because of his poor timing?  This left a lot of students upset because your 6 month mark to get your license doesn't start until you officially complete drivers ed.  So Easton has to technically wait 2 weeks longer now to get his license. 

She loves all glasses (sun glasses, motion sickness glasses, goggle glasses).

Valerie came for a visit-that will be another post.

We finally got the band room put together.  We might add some things on the 2 remaining walls but for now it is done.

We met up with my sister in Boise-that will be another post.
The kids started school-again that will be another post.

Blakely was so excited to go to her first party in Idaho.  It was going to be a nerf gun battle.  We got there a few minutes early and walked around trying to find a nerf party but couldn't find one.  It turned out that the party was the next day (Sunday).  Oops!  I guess I just figured in Idaho if you want kids to show up to your birthday party you probably want to make sure it is on a Saturday...I guess next time I'll need to read the invitations a little better before I RSVP.  Blakely just ended up dropping the gift off at the kids house that evening and explaining that we thought it was that day and not the next day.  She was pretty bummed about it.

Dyer started football

Finished my kid picture wall.


Dyer's football Jamboree

Dyer's the one with the blue practice jersey on.  Most of his team played last year so they were using their uniforms from last year because their new ones weren't ready yet.

The Jamboree wasn't anything like I thought it was going to be.  I thought they were going to play a mini game against every team in the league.  They ended up playing only 2 mini games - one was only offense and the other was only defense.  I felt bad because Gpa and Gma Stockton and Gpa and Gma Kelsey came to support Dyer and he really only played 5 minutes (half of one mini game).  They drove at least 2 hours each way.

Dyer was close to getting the quarterback.

Thursday, December 29, 2022



We finally got something for Grandma Gretch to sleep on when she is here for work.  Nathan's mom sleeps 2-3 times a week at our house during the day when she is working the night shift at the hospital.  She was sleeping on an air mattress for the last 5 months before we moved to Idaho.  This is in the computer room so when she is not sleeping it is a couch.  It folds out to a full size bed.

Favorite hiding place (mudroom)

So fancy!

Easton finally used his birthday gift and went rock climbing.

Grandpa Jerry's birthday BBQ

Our couches for downstairs finally came!  We ordered them back in March and asked for it to be delivered early June.  I guess they took that to mean don't ship it until early June...We didn't get it until July 20th.  The kids helped me assemble and put it all together.  This thing is huge but we love it for family movie nights on the huge protector screen.

Dress up-Moana

Slip in slide

KK couldn't quite figure out the concept of sliding...

Dyer being Dyer....Poor Eden!

Easton just got back from high adventure so Eden was trying out his hat light.  Uncle Andy stayed with us on his way back home from Gpa and Gma Stockton's 60th anniversary party.



 Nathan had a whole month off before he had to go to work.  I put him to work making beds for the kids.  We only had time to make beds for 2 of the 3 rooms.  So we ended up just buying beds for Blakely and KK.

Boys room:

Their room was the most time consuming.  Nathan cut and sanded the boards (I helped a little bit with sanding when he had to go do some things for work).  We then primed the wood before finally staining the wood.  We spent a few long nights trying to get things done.

The girls were trying out the boys bed once Nathan got it up...

Dyer excited to finally have a mattress instead of an air mattress to sleep on.

Handrails finally up but not the ladder.  The ladder was a little shorter than we thought it would be so we had to wait for other pieces to show up before we could complete it.  We tried to find pieces at Home Depot and Lowes but the pieces wouldn't fit together.  The boys used the ladder above for a while before we were finally able to get the actual ladder complete.  Once we got the ladder up we had to make modifications (gluing it together) because when you would try and tighten the rungs on one side it would loosen the other side.  Dyer ended up falling from the top two rungs because they came loose....oops!  The other ladder came back for about a week while we figured out how we were going to fix this issue.  

Finally complete! 2 XL twin mattresses up there with a little space at the bottom of each bed to hold books

Boys relaxing on their new bed.

It's so long that I couldn't get a picture with the whole bed in it.  I took a Panorama view so you could see the whole thing (that's why it looks a little weird).
The boys really wanted desks under their bed.  The boys also each have a little shelf hanging on the side of their bed like a night stand.  For Christmas the boys got a weight set and now have a weight bench in their room.  We still need to decorate it and hang things on the walls but it's slowing coming together.  

Blair and Eden's room:
Nathan bought slightly better/more expensive wood for the girls so we wouldn't have to do so much sanding this time.  Nathan cut the wood and we both painted.  Eden's bed was a little tricky because we tried to assemble it in large pieces in the garage and bring it down the stairs but we couldn't get it to work so we had to disassemble it and reassemble it again in their room.  

Frame finally up.

Siding finally up.

While Blair was at girls camp I spray painted her chair and dresser.

I didn't have enough spray paint so I sent Nathan out to get me some more.  He came back and something was wrong with the spray paint...No matter how much I shook it the paint was not mixing right in the can.  It either came out like green toothpaste or it came out as a clearish yellowish/sometimes blackish oil.  So weird!  Nathan took the spray paint back to the store and bought another one and it did the same thing!  We called the number for the company and they told us that sometimes things can go wrong during transportation (truck getting too hot) so they told us to not buy any cans with that same batch number.  Nathan finally found a can from a different batch and it worked perfectly!

Finished for the most part!
We did buy Blair a frame for her bed.
I'm still planning on putting a roof over Eden's bed and curtains in her windows but eventually it will get done.  I still need to get buckets or shelves from Ikea for under the stairs but we need to make a trip to Utah to make that happen.  I might hang a couple more things on the walls but their room is basically done.

Panorama View

I thought I took pictures of Blakely and KK's room but apparently I didn't.  I'll have to show their room once I get around to taking pictures.  Their room just needs some more throw pillows in their reading nook and then I think it will be complete.



Before we left California, Dyer got the Principals Honor Roll Award (straight A's).  He got this award each trimester.  They wouldn't allow parents to the awards ceremony so they zoomed them.  

Ice cream!

We finally got rid of Eden's pack and play when we moved in so now she is officially in a big girl bed. 

Eden and I took a bike ride around the neighborhood.

She thinks she is so funny!

Water balloon fight with cousin Hudson.


Someone got into Blair's makeup....

Haha her face!

Blair was able to go to girls camp with our new ward.  This was Blair's first time going to girls camp because last year our ward in California basically cancelled girls camp when some of the boys came home from camp with Covid.  They did day camp at the church and surrounding areas but Easton came home with a cold (tested negative for covid) and passed it on to Blair.  They wouldn't let anyone attend camp if they had any covid like symptoms so Blair wasn't able to attend.  She was excited but super nervous since she only knew these girls for three weeks.

She had a great time!

See this is what happens when I decide to take Eden in the car to run errands...Someday she'll out grow this right?!?

Dyer's domino creation.