I can't believe my baby is 1 now! It's crazy how fast the first year goes. I was just looking at her newborn pictures the other day and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that she joined our family.
She wasn't too thrilled to get her picture taken! It's getting harder and harder each month as she is getting more and more mobile. However, she doesn't seem very interested in walking. She'll cruise along the couches but that is about it!
I thought I had enough time to take pictures before her nap but I was wrong!
I gave up after this picture and just put her down for a nap.
Happy little birthday girl!
She loves most foods and is starting to come around to liking bananas. She is still nursing about 3 times a day.
When she is not teething she is sleeping through the night!

The girls decided on flamingos for Eden birthday.
Smash cake!
She dug right in.
I think it is safe to say she enjoyed her cake!
I didn't get very many pictures/ good pictures of opening gifts because we were in a mad rush to get on the road. We went down to see Nathan's mom, sister, and cousins for the weekend.
Laugh and learn puppy and books from Valerie.
Toomies qauck along and staking rings from Gpa and Gma Earnest
$ from Gpa and Gma Whiting
bubble blowing mower from Gpa and Gma Uehling
sit, stand. and ride baby walker from us.
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