Thursday, July 29, 2021

Quick trip to visit family

It was a really quick trip.  We weren't even there for 24 hrs. but the cousins had fun playing together.




Gma with Eden

Playing on the trampoline with cousins Hudson and Breck.

Eden turns 1!

I can't believe my baby is 1 now!  It's crazy how fast the first year goes.  I was just looking at her newborn pictures the other day and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that she joined our family. 

She wasn't too thrilled to get her picture taken!  It's getting harder and harder each month as she is getting more and more mobile.  However, she doesn't seem very interested in walking.  She'll cruise along the couches but that is about it!

I thought I had enough time to take pictures before her nap but I was wrong!

She hates bows especially ones that have big flowers!

I gave up after this picture and just put her down for a nap.

It's amazing what a little nap can do!

Happy little birthday girl!

She loves most foods and is starting to come around to liking bananas.  She is still nursing about 3 times a day.

When she is not teething she is sleeping through the night!

The girls decided on flamingos for Eden birthday.

Smash cake!

She was not a fan of us singing to her.

She dug right in.

I think it is safe to say she enjoyed her cake!

I didn't get very many pictures/ good pictures of opening gifts because we were in a mad rush to get on the road.  We went down to see Nathan's mom, sister, and cousins for the weekend.

Laugh and learn puppy and books from Valerie.

Toomies qauck along and staking rings from Gpa and Gma Earnest

$ from Gpa and Gma Whiting

bubble blowing mower from Gpa and Gma Uehling

sit, stand. and ride baby walker from us.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Random things in April

Blair and Blakely doing face masks
Blair loves doing selfies!

Blakely peeling apples to make dehydrated apples.

Soaking apples in orange juice.

A few hours later and we have dried apples.

Eden keeps falling asleep sitting up!

The kids wanted to make calzones.  Dyer used this as his miscellaneous activity for school.


We didn't sleep a whole lot that night because of teething...
We finally got a smile!

My little cuddle bug!  
We were trying to pass Blakely off as baby Eden since Eden is Blakely's mini me.  I was told her head was too big and she had too much hair.  So we tried again...

Could Blakely pass as baby Eden?

All the while KK was trying to photo bomb!

Such a silly girl!

Making cookie dough balls for her miscellaneous activity. 

Dyer washing the cars for his miscellaneous activity.

Bloody nose!  The Kelsey kids get a little too serious when it comes to playground games!  I'm kidding!  I think one of her siblings was tossing her shoe that came off to her.

Sunday walk and selfies!

Easton wanted in on the action too!

Eden's new favorite thing to do is to climb the two steps to the gate and then stand there and shake the gate while screaming!  She hasn't figured out how to get down gracefully yet so either someone has to get her or she ends up falling down the two stairs!  As soon as you put her down she is up there in a matter of minutes repeating the same thing over and over again. Fun times!

These two cuties wanted to take a picture next to the palm tree and see if they could trick anyone into thinking they were in Hawaii!  Haha!


Things started opening up in April and the kids had spring break so we decided to take them to Scandia for the day.

Mini golf: 







Eden and me

Arcade games:

Snake time!

Eden was so tired!  She kept almost falling sleep while eating.

Laser Tag:

Waiting in line for go-karts.


Blakely wasn't quite tall enough to drive herself (I know crazy to think she wasn't tall enough for something) so I had the pleasure of driving for her.

Blakely and me

Easton followed by Blair

Bumper boats:

More arcade games: