Thursday, November 8, 2018

Church History Tour Days 14-16

Day 14: July 26th

McKinley was not a happy camper!  She wanted to get down and walk.


Liberty Jail (restored)

Honestly by the time we got here I think the kids were basically done with Church History sites.  They had heard most of the stories before so they weren't very interested anymore.  This was probably the stop where the kids were not on their best behavior.  Not horrible but definitely not great either!  I felt bad for the sister missionaries and those in our group but to the kids' credit they had been really good (minus McKinley) for the last 2 weeks!  That's a win in my book!  I think they were ready to get home!

Easton and Blakely

Visitors center in Independence, Missouri.
We got there about an hour before they were closing so we were pretty rushed.  They had a kids area that kept them entertained for a while.

Looking for the corner stones of the temple.
Last day of Church History sites.

Day 15: July 27th


We stopped at a Yogi Bear RV campground.  Before this trip neither Nathan or myself had even heard of them.  They seem really fun but unfortunately most of them you have to stay more than one night.  This one was an exception.

Day 16: July 28th
On our way home!

So sweet!

Are we home yet?!?  Are we home yet?!?

Yay!!! We're home!

She's basically naked because it was soooooo HOT back there!  For some reason the air was not working correctly in the back!

I think the trip as a whole was a success!  We all learned lots, we had fun in the process, and most importantly we all make it back ALIVE!!!

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