Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Swim and Dexter

As soon as Valerie left I didn't take many pictures/videos because when one kid was in class the others were swimming in the deep end.  I spent most of the time making sure they didn't drown. 

Blair moved up to the strokes class.  She learned a lot and was swimming really well by the end of her class.

Dyer stayed in the same class again buy definitely improved.

Blakely moved up to the advanced beginner class.

Poor Blakely didn't get to swim for the whole first week of swim because of the weather.  They kept cancelling right as her class was about to start because of thunder and lightning.

Easton didn't end up doing swim because none of the classes would fit in his schedule.  One of the weeks he did a karate camp with a friend and another week he had his STEMM science fair boot camp.  He did end up swimming in the deep end the last week of swim.

This is a really old picture of Dexter (back when we lived in California).
On the 16th of June Valerie and I took Dyer and Blakely to a make up swim lesson.  Before we left Blair fed Dexter.  As we were leaving, Dexter must have gotten out which isn't out of the ordinary (he preferred being outside most of the time).  About 30 minutes after we got back from swim I saw what looked like a huge worm in the back/side yard (Valerie thought it was a rope).  In any case it was a little weird so I went over to investigate...Bad mistake!  When I got closer I noticed there were some flies on it and I realized it was the insides of something. Gross!  About a foot or two away I saw two white animal legs.  I came inside asking if anyone knew where Dexter was (which no one did) and told Nathan to go look at what I found.  At first I thought maybe it was a bunny since we have them a lot in our yard, but looking back that was stupid to think that since all the bunnies are brown not white.  Nathan disposed of everything that he found and said it was definitely cat legs.  

We told the kids that we were pretty sure that Dexter got killed (we think a coyote got him since one has been spotted several times by neighbors).  Blakely was pretty upset when we told her.  I think she summed it up pretty well.  "Dexter was a mean cat, but he was OUR mean cat!"  It's scary to think that this all happened just feet from our house in broad daylight.

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