Friday, April 24, 2015


We had an egg hunt the evening before because we were leaving for vacation on Easter.
Blakely was as happy as could be with the one egg.  Easton gave her a couple more though.


I'm pretty sure that Easton had more eggs than the younger three had combined.  Luckily he was willing to share a couple of them.



I made each of the kids an Easter basket this year.  I didn't get a chance to take a picture of them all before the two oldest broke theirs apart.

The kids were super excited to go on vacation!

Blair's school talent show

Blair's class decided to perform Annie in the school talent show.  After tryouts Blair announced, "We made it!"  Haha!  I didn't have the heart to tell her that everyone makes it (as long as it is appropriate).

I took videos but of course I filmed just a couple seconds too long and blogger won't let me download them.  Lame!

Blair and Dyer Hip Hop Dancing-practice

Blair and Dyer really wanted to do swimming lessons but we had about a month before swim lessons started so I convinced them to take a Hip Hop class.  I wanted Easton to take a Hip Hop class too but he didn't want to.  He decided to take a guitar class instead.  I think after Blair and Dyer's first day of Hip Hop Easton was a little disappointed that he didn't sign up too.

Miss Attitude

So Naughty

Easton and Blair Spring Pictures

Easton 2nd Grade

Blair Kindergarten


Sisterly love


Grandma took this picture right after Easton's game.

Chuck E Cheese.  I couldn't get this girl off this ride!

Watching Blair and Dyer at Hip Hop

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blakely tap dancing

Easton basketball

This is how Easton spent most of his games...right under that basket usually not guarded.  I think he got frustrated because he didn't get the ball very much.

Rebounding the ball!  Way to use your head!  

Great catch but then he got nervous!  Oops!

Easton's first shot this season:
The ref called a foul but looking at the video I'm not sure that Easton got fouled.  

First foul shot:

Highlight of the season!!!!  Go Easton!!!!

Second foul shot:

I think Easton was discouraged most of the season until he finally made a basket in his last game with only a minute or so left in the game!  Grandpa and Grandma Whiting were there to see it too!  He tells everyone that he made the winning point!


I burned my arm with boiling water back in February.  It hurt so bad!

Nathan broke his thumb playing football with the ward (I think in January?) and he is pretty certain it still hasn't healed completely.  I don't have any pictures but it was huge!  The biggest thumb cast they had barely fit his thumb.

Blair Gymnastics

Blair wanted to get back into gymnastics but in order for her to be on pre-team she had to get evaluated.  They told us that she could move up to pre-team B if we wanted but I decided to keep her on pre-team A since it was the same day and time as Dyer.  If I would have moved her up we would have been at the gym from 3:30-6:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.  No, thanks!  In a way though I wish that I would have moved Blair up because her old team moved up together to pre-team B so Blair was with a bunch of new girls that have been together for a while now.  Plus she got a new coach that moved up with the girls in her class. The only good thing was one of those girls is in Blair's Kindergarten class so she at least knew one girl.  I think Blair had fun but she really wanted to move on to swim with Dyer.  

Dyer Gymnastics

Dyer was asked to join the boys pre-team A for gymnastics.  We tried it for a session but Dyer wanted to move on to swimming.  He was the oldest on his team and definitely the best behaved.  The other three boys were 2 1/2 and it definitely showed.  I honestly didn't care that the other boys got distracted, I mean that is what boys at that age do.  That was Dyer last year.  The parents of the boys didn't like it one bit and were constantly out on the floor getting mad at their kids.  I think it was more of a distraction having the parents out there then having the coach take control.  I think Dyer had fun though.