Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blair soccer

Overall I didn't think that Blair enjoyed soccer but as soon as the season was over she told me that she wanted to play again.  Really?!?  Blair had a good first game and did better in her last two games but the middle was a little rough.  Let's just say that she was a better cheerleader than player.  I don't mean that to be rude or negative, it's just that she preferred to sit on the bench instead of play.  She had one game where she played the first 4 minutes of the game and then she just stayed on the bench.  Yes, it was a rough game for me.    

Sleeping baby with Daddy.

Blair's favorite spot with her BFF!  Haha!  She told me after practice one day that her and the girl next to her were BFFs.  

Mr. Roger playing soccer with the boys:

Most of the time when she was on the field she would be playing with her hair.

I love how she is busy counting the players on the field!

Blair #2 "Bear"

Blair having fun with her BFF!

Blair touching the ball!!!

Two thumbs up!

Blair's end of the year party

She was so excited to get a trophy!  Honestly I think that was the only reason why she played soccer in the first place was so she could get a trophy.  Silly girl!

Blair with Coach Smith.  Blair for the longest time thought that Coach Smith was a guy.  Haha!  

Easton soccer

Easton had a lot of fun playing soccer this year.  He was on the same team as his best friend, Nicholas, so they had tons of fun together!  He came close to scoring a goal, but unfortunately it didn't happen for him this year.  He worked really hard and had some great passes to his teammates.

This little girl loves to climb everything!

Haha!  Apparently Easton thinks defense is boring so he finds other ways to entertain himself!

Easton #9 "ELK"

I had to include this picture because look at how much taller that girl in red is!!!!

Trophy Ceremony after game.  Easton with Coach George.

Random Videos/pictures of Kids

Watching Lego movie.  They were supposedly sick....

"Playing" the piano

Dyer pretending to be asleep

At Dyer's swim leseson



Easton lost his 2nd tooth Sept.8th


Blakely went to Nursery one day

Blakely visits nursery

Playing in the dirt at Soccer

Dyer stroller surfing

One of our many video attempts to get Blakely to walk.

Another one
Sharing a seat!

Love moments like this where they are all getting along and having fun!

Blakely loves books unfortunately she isn't very gentle with them.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dyer Swim

Dyer decided that he wanted to do swimming again!  I was a little worried because last time he was too afraid to go on the platforms so I put him back in the younger class on the stairs.  I didn't have anything to worry about.  Dyer got right in and never looked back!  He only went a week his first session as a tadpole because Blakely got Chicken pox and I was worried that Dyer might get it too. Valerie called the center and they told us Dyer couldn't attend his class for the rest of the session.  It turned out that Dyer was fine but oh well.  We signed him up for the next session.  Valerie was kind enough to take Dyer to swim almost everyday.  Things got a little crazy with Blair in gymnastics at first and then eventually Easton and Blair playing soccer.  I felt bad that I wasn't able to go to all of Dyer's swim practices but of course he didn't care as long as Valerie took him.  In fact there were days when I could have went and he told me that he only wanted Valerie to take him.  Such a turkey! 

Swimming underwater

This is how he was the majority of the time.  He kept getting in trouble because he wouldn't keep his face above the water.  

back starfish

front starfish

It's hard to see but Dyer's giving a thumbs up!

Swimming under water

Valerie and Dyer

Kickboard on back

Swimming underwater


Jumping in?

We have a swimmer!!!

Swimming by himself!

Dyer ended up doing really well at swimming.  He passed his class but he wanted to sign up for gymnastics instead.  Maybe that's a good thing since it's fall and the weather is getting cooler.