Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dyer Starts Gymnastics

Dyer is now doing gymnastics with Blair.  Technically you can't start gymnastics until you are three but I just found out that if you take private or semi private classes it doesn't matter what age you are as long as you are walking.  Dyer has so much energy and needs something to do.  Plus I think he feels a little left out that his brother and sister always get to do something and he doesn't.  I signed them up for a semi private class together.  I thought it would be great since I got to pick the instructor and it would only be the two of them, but the first two weeks were rough!  Dyer just ran around and away from his teacher and Blair (little mommy) ran after him to try and get him to listen.  When I say ran after him it was more like tackling him to the ground and yelling at him.  It was just a nice little game of tag for Dyer.  The third week went a ton better after I had Dyer sit out for about ten minutes and Blair got some one on one.  Dyer finally went back and did exactly what his teacher asked him to do!  It was amazing.  Now I understand why they wait until kids are three!  I should have taped Blair taking Dyer out several times for memory sake but unfortunately I didn't.

Video: First day of class.  Supposed to be warming up by doing frog jumps but Dyer decided to be a dog instead.  I cut the video short as soon as Dyer started to run off but you can imagine what happened next : )

Video of Dyer:
Nice attempt for his first try!

Such a tease!  It is just one big game for him!

Video: Blair walking backwards on the beam.

Video: Dyer on the beam.  I think the beam and jumping into the foam pit (not off the trampoline) are his favorites!

Sorry some of these videos are really shaky.  I had Blakely attached to me and she wouldn't stop kicking her feet.
Video: Blair working on kicks on the beam.

Video: Blair working on jumps on the beam.  I'm pretty sure this was her first time doing it!

Video: Dyer on the Trampoline.

Video: Blair on the trampoline.

Video: Dyer's 2nd attempt on the trampoline.  This is his preferred way!

Video of Blair:

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blakely at 4 1/2 months!

So Blakely is almost 5 months old!  Shame on me!  I took 4 month pictures but just haven't gotten around to writing about her at 4 months yet.  There have been a lot of firsts!  Most right after she turned 4 months!

First of all she finally found her toes!  She hasn't figured out that she can suck on those little piggies like she does with her fingers!  It will only be a matter of time I'm sure.  The funny thing is she really only holds onto her toes/feet when she doesn't have any pants/tights on (diaper changes or getting dressed).

Video: Rolling from tummy to back

Video: Rolling from back to tummy

Blakely has figured out how to turn from her back to her tummy.  She's not really a fan of being on her tummy but she apparently likes to try out her new (about 2 weeks ago) trick.  You would think that she would turn back over to her back (since she knows how to) when she gets tired of being on her tummy but not so much.  She would rather cry and complain until someone rescues her.  Most of the time as soon as you turn her over on her back she flips right back onto her tummy.  It is a vicious cycle!  She is definitely determined to start moving forward.  You can tell she is thinking about it and trying to do it but she just hasn't figured out exactly how to do it yet!  She reaches for things just out of her reach and tries so hard to get them but ends up a very frustrated little girl because she isn't getting any closer.  She can move around in a circle and has even moved backwards a little.  Maybe next month all her hard work will pay off for her.

Blakely found her thumb!  Even though it is really cute (at this age) I really don't want her to get in the habit of sucking her thumb.  If it's not her thumb it is generally a few fingers or better yet a whole fist!  This girl for some reason really just prefers any and all of those over her pacifier.  BOO!

Video: Blakely blowing raspberries (kind of).  She got distracted with the camera in her face.

Last week Blakely figured out how to do raspberries!  She loves to make a game out of it by taking turns with someone else.

My two ballerina princesses!

Blakely is ticklish in the neck area.  If you get close to that area you can generally get a few giggles out of her.

Blakely has become very demanding over the last week.  She used to be content (for the most part) with just being able to see someone but recently that has not been enough.  She wants to be held whenever she is awake.  Getting things done has been challenging to say the least.  She also hates driving in the car for that same reason.  If she is awake, 9 times out of 10 she is screaming/crying until we get to where we are going.  As soon as someone comes to get her out of the car she is all smiles.

Blakely had her 4 month appointment on Feb. 5th.  Technically she was 4 1/2 months.  Anyways her stats were 26 inch long, 15.9 lbs, and 16.9 inch (head).  Still my biggest baby!  She is almost exactly the same weight and height Blair was at 6 months old!  No wonder everyone thinks she is older than what she is!  She is basically wearing 6-9 month pjs now but I still have her in 6 month clothes.  I'm guessing she will be in 6-9 month clothes sometime next month-especially if she continues to grow the way she has.  Blakely was all smiles while the doctor was examining her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, but as soon as he was examining her body he made the comment, "You sure haven't missed very many meals now have you?"  Blakely's faced turned upside down and she started crying!  I'm sure she had no clue what he was saying to her but I couldn't help from laughing because the timing was so perfect!  Yes, she is very healthy and she LOVES to eat!