Wednesday, November 30, 2022

May 2022

We finally switched Eden around in her car seat.  I was hopeful that turning her around would help with her motion sickness.  I think it has helped a little bit but she still gets sick fairly often.  I'm thankful that Blair is homeschooled again this year so I don't have to pack Eden up in the car very often.  I do feel bad when she wants to go with me though because more times than not I leave her.  When I do cave and let her tag along I would say 9/10 times she pukes and I'm reminded why it isn't worth it to bring her.

May the 4th:

We also made blue milk.  We made the mistake of using blue jello powder and it made the milk curdle!  So gross!

Teaching Eden knucks!

Yep!  I caved and this was the results!

Our stuff started getting packed up on the 6th!  We didn't leave until June 3rd so it was a long time without most of our stuff!  We requested the 3rd or 4th week in May and eventually they told us May 16th!  Way earlier than I was hoping! It took Nathan about a week to finally get a hold of someone to finalize everything but it was a good thing that he was persistent because the weight estimate they had written down was 10,000 lbs less than it should have been.  It really put a wrench in things because they were planning on packing up and loading all our stuff on the truck in ONE day!  Umm that was not going to happen!  When we moved from Florida it took two full days to pack and one day to load the truck.  So they had to rebook us and the only time was to start on the 6th...LAME!  Looking back I think it was probably a blessing that we got packed up as early as we did because the 3rd week of May (when we were originally scheduled) Easton tested positive for COVID!  Eventually Blair got it and then Nathan and I got it.  I'm pretty sure Eden got it as well but we never tested her.  Dyer, Blakely, and McKinley all tested negative both times we tested them.  That would have sucked if they couldn't have moved us because we had COVID (which we had it the 3rd and 4th week of May).

It was annoying though because all the kids had to miss their last School of Rock performance because of COVID!  Luckily Easton was able to go back to school the last week of school just in time for finals!

We went to Valerie's for one last dinner before she left to go to England and before we moved from California.  This was 5 days before Easton tested positive for COVID.

The primary took a trip to the temple.  Nathan was gone for the weekend taking a mamo course so we weren't able to get a nice family picture at the temple.

Kids just goofing off but as you can see we don't have a whole lot in our house after the movers took most of it away.

One of Easton's finals.

Eden's famous look!

Don't you just love those curls!

KK's always stealing my phone and taking random pictures of herself.

Last swim at Valerie's.
Some of us were sick with COVID but Valerie told us to go over and swim (probably because she was in England but still).  We were soooo bored!  We had nothing in our house to entertain us and we couldn't go anywhere!  It was nice to get our and get some fresh air.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Last full day in Hawaii

We started out at Kualoa Ranch.  There were lots of fun activities to do there but because Eden was so little we were limited to what we could do with her in tow. 

We decided to take the Hollywood Movie Sites Tour.  A bunch of movies/TV shows are filmed here.

Jurassic Park/ World

The girls were excited to get their own dinosaur!


KK enjoyed posing for her pictures.

Beach Time!

Back to Polynesian Cultural Center:

Gma "hugging" Dyer aka putting her own life in danger!

Boat ride

Spear throwing!  Easton hit it!


Blakely caught one!

Easton caught one!

Making music!


Farewell Hawaii!  Until next time...