Sunday, August 29, 2021

Vacation, News, and a Wedding

Blair got out of school about 2 weeks earlier than her siblings since she was doing an online homeschool program.  Throughout the school year when her siblings had a break Blair was still doing some work so she wouldn't fall behind.  She didn't really get much of a break.  Since she got out earlier I thought it would be fun for her to go visit Nathan's mom and other family in Idaho and then meet up with us at Grandpa Layne's wedding.  She had a great time and I think she enjoyed being an only child for a couple weeks.  I know she missed us (mainly Eden) since she said at times it was just too quiet!  Haha!  I definitely missed her!  I did find it funny that everyone said how quiet Blair was and that she hardly talked at all...That is usually not the case when she is at home and with her siblings.

Aunt Bethanie sent me some pictures:

Great Grandpa Dyer, Great Grandma Fern, and cousin Hudson.

Nathan flew out with Blair since he needed to go to Utah and sign papers for his dad's wedding.  Nathan was asked to officiate Layne's wedding.  About a week before he was heading out he found out about a job opening in Twin Falls, ID.  Our plan at this time was to separate from the Military in May 2022 and hopefully get a fellowship in Breast at the University of Utah and then hopefully get a job and move to Boise, ID.  Well like I said a job opened up in Twin Falls so Nathan decided to apply.  I believe this was on a Tuesday (May 18th) and by Thursday (May 20th) someone contacted Nathan about the job.  Nathan told them that he would be in the area that weekend if they wanted to interview him in person.  They set up a time for that Monday (May 24th).  When Nathan originally applied for the job I believe he was under the impression that they needed someone with a breast fellowship so I think he was hoping that if he got the fellowship and that they liked him he would hopefully come work for them a year later in 2023.  It turns out that they were looking for a general radiologist that could read breast and start in 2022.  Nathan felt the interview went well but he told them that he would need to know if they wanted to hire him before June 1st so he could take him name out of the match for breast fellowship.  They contacted him that weekend and told him he got the job!  We felt good about it but I was still a little nervous since we didn't have a contract in hand.  Everything thankfully worked out in the end so we will officially be separating from the military and moving to Twin Falls next year! 

We took the kids out of school a day early so we could travel to Grandpa Layne's wedding.  It was a nice ceremony in their backyard.  Nathan was really nervous about officiating but he did a great job!  It was really nice to see everyone and to finally meet Karla.  She is super sweet!

Everyone but Blakely?!?  

I have no idea where she is.  I know she was there for our individual family picture but somehow she must have snuck off to play for the whole family picture.

Something funny...Karla has two granddaughters.  One is named McKinley and the other is named Blakely.  What are the chances?  I guess we just have good taste in names!

The pictures I took weren't very good because of the lighting and shadows.  I should have took a video of Nathan...

Layne and Karla

Easton turns 14!

Easton's birthday happened to fall on a Sunday this year.  He cleans up nicely!

Of course he wanted a chocolate cake!

All Easton wanted this year was money and games.

He also wanted to go to an escape room.

School of Rock Spring Performance

Rock 101: Dyer and Blakely

When I Come Around


I Love Rock-n-Roll


Beverly Hills

Not a fan of the grass!

Indie Rock (Performance Group): Easton and Blair

When You Were Young

Song 2

Soul Meets Body

Been Caught Stealing

Come A Little Closer

Feed the Tree

Take a picture of my rock.


Float On

Last Nite

A Forest

The Distance

Ready to Start

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Googly eyes
Teething + fever = lots of cuddles

Dyer wanted to volunteer at the food bank so we did it as a family (minus the 2 youngest who aren't old enough to volunteer).  The kids are excited to go back.

We love selfies!

Mom! Take a picture of me!....I need help getting down though!

Sleepover in the older girls room!

Haha!  I tricked Dyer into getting a picture with me!  He wasn't quick enough!

Eden's first time in the pool!  NOT a fan!


Mom's lap is so much better than the pool!

Finally decided sitting on the stairs and dipping her feet in was okay.

Take your daughter to work day!

Mother's Day!


Breakfast in bed!

Note from Easton

Painting from Blair

Picture and frame from Dyer and Blakely 

Picture from Blakely

The kids came up with all this stuff on their own.  Usually the kids do projects at school for Mother's day but his year they have been at home so they remembered and made things on their own.  Kind of cool!

May the 4th be with you!

The kids always love Star Wars day!  

Mandalorian mudhorn egg

Grape lightsabers

Porg for dinner!

Mandalorian frog eggs