Sunday, January 24, 2021

School projects, Seminary, etc.

Dyer made a sugar skull mask

Blair made a core sample of the layers of the earth with color sand.
top view

For Easton's science class he had to make a Rube Goldberg machine.

We started to film his machine but realized soon after that he didn't have the minimum time requirement.  He started to add more dominos at the beginning to add more time but the wind kept knocking over his dominos.  We ended up moving everything into the garage.  Eventually with Nathan's help they came up with something else to add time because the dominos were too time consuming to set up every time they were timing it or the dominos accidently got knocked over while setting it up.

Here's his finished project: 

Blakely painted a pumpkin to go with her pumpkin poem.

Oct 9th Easton's first day of in person Seminary.

Park day!
  I think this was Eden's first time in a swing.

Dyer's warming up to Eden.

Dyer carrying Eden.

Such a sweet little one.

Dressing up as old people.

We are in trouble with this one!

I finally found some disinfecting wipes!!!  We haven't been able to find them since COVID happened and everyone cleaned the stores out.  Almost 7 months!  This was also the first time I stepped foot in a grocery store since COVID happened!  Nathan was out of town (Las Vegas) and I had to run in and get something.  I didn't actually think they would have any but I thought I would go down the aisle just to look.  I came at just the right time because the workers were trying to stock the shelves but people were grabbing them as quickly as they were putting them on the shelf.  I could only get one but I felt like I hit the jackpot!

Grandma Gretch sent Blair some fun tattoos!

Me: KK what did you get into?
KK: nothing...
Me: What do you mean nothing?  Go look in the mirror.
(KK looks in the mirror and then has a guilty look on her face)
Me: Why did you get into my mascara?
KK: (with her pouty lip) I was just trying to be stylish!

Haha!  I'm not sure what to think about this...

Eden at 5 months

Eden is in size 3 diapers.  She is gaining weight like a champ!  Everyone just loves to kiss those big humongous checks!!!  She is such a cute, happy baby!


I wish she would sleep in longer but I guess she thinks she needs food at 5:30 in the morning!  I try to trick her with her binky but she knows what she wants! 

Of course she is still spitting up but it seems as though it is getting better.  She's so close to sitting up on her own.  

She has definitely found her voice!

First time eating solid foods (rice cereal) Sept. 27th

Started sitting up at about 5 1/2 months 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The difference between boys and girls

While the girls like to accessorize Eden with cute hats, bows, and outfits...

The boys like to accessorize Eden with instruments and weapons...

Blakely turns 7!

 On September 19th Blakely turned 7!

All ready for church the week before.  Love her curls!

She wanted a cheesecake but I thought it would be fun to do a rainbow cheesecake for her.  Blair, Dyer, and McKinley helped mixed the colors.

She wanted McDonalds for her birthday dinner but because Nathan was moonlighting that night we did a birthday lunch.

She really wanted a mermaid man.

Unicorn giga pet.

Unicorn Rescue Society books 


Of course Blakely also wanted a piñata for her birthday! 

Eden and I watched and took pictures/videos from a distance.

Dyer's catapult

 Dyer had to make a catapult for his science class.  

McKK and Eden


Naps don't happen all the much these days.

She is quite the performer:


She loves her baby sister!

She can fall asleep anywhere.

She prefers her fingers

Picture of mom and Eden.