Sunday, August 23, 2020

Eden at 2 months

Eden gets up about 3 times at night (usually between 12-1 am, 3-4 am, and 5-6 am).  She is doing better at staying awake enough to eat.  I usually feed her on one side, change her, and then feed her on the other side.

She is still spitting up a lot!  No wonder she needs to eat every 2-3 hours!

She is still gassy and a poopy machine!  We are doing better at using just one diaper per diaper change for the most part!  She is still in newborn diapers but once we finish the ones we have on hand we will be moving to size 1.  She finally out grew newborn clothes a few days before turning 2 months and is now in 0-3 months clothes.  

She is doing okay with tummy time when I remember to do it!  The kids are better at remembering and putting her on her tummy.  She still has a very strong neck.

Eden loves to be held.  It's a good thing that she has a lot of people willing to hold her.  She sleeps really well in her bouncy chair, swing, and moby wrap.  She loves the movement.  I think we might be creating a monster because she doesn't sleep very long or very well in her bassinet during the day.  We might need to work on that.

Eden is starting to smile and coo more.  Blakely and McKinley get so excited when they get a smile out of her.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Grandma's visit

Besides holding Eden we didn't do a whole lot other than play games and go for walks but I enjoyed having my mom here for 2 weeks!
McKinley cut the front of her hair a long time ago.  It was finally starting to grow out but it was really uneven so Grandma came to the rescue and cut straight bangs for her.

I finally snapped a picture of Easton holding Eden.  I still need to get a picture of Dyer holding her.

All clean after getting a bath.  She doesn't stay this way for very long!  It's a good thing that you can't smell this baby through pictures.  She is super cute but often times minutes after giving her a bath she smells like sour milk.  

My three youngest babies!

Birthday Season!

Easton turned 13 this year!  Which means we officially have a teenager now!  I feel so old!  Easton also had a growth spurt.  A couple months ago Easton was only a 1/2 inch taller than Blair.  Now he is at least 2 inches (maybe more) than Blair.  His voice is also starting to change...I can't believe that he will be in high school this year.

Blair turned 11 this year!  Most days I feel like I have two teenagers and not just one...The Ward family came over to celebrate with Blair.  I know Blair's gotten taller too even though she doesn't look like it compared to Easton.  She is now constantly raiding my closet and wearing my clothes!  Blair will be going into 6th grade but wants me to home school her this next year.  I think we got plenty of practice during COVID so I think we will give it a try.  Wish me luck!  

I turned 35 this year!  My mom and Alan drove down to surprise me for my birthday.  Nathan told me that his brother was coming into town the day before my birthday to sign the books (something for his work) and that he was staying the night.  Nathan was home for the afternoon because I had a dentist appointment.  I was only home about 30 minutes when the doorbell rang.  Nathan kept telling me that I had to answer the door.  I thought it was strange because #1 it is his brother and #2 my kids always open the door so why were they waiting for me to open the door?  I went down the stairs and opened the door to a chocolate cake and a gift on the doorstep.  I pulled off the wrapping and out popped my mom!  Best birthday present ever!  Nathan was probably tired of hearing me complain that my mom had not visited me since Eden was born.  I totally understand why she didn't because of the COVID thing but it still made me sad.  My mom stayed almost 2 weeks!  Even though we didn't get out and do anything I had fun hanging out with my mom.

Getting birthday snuggles from my two babies!

Dyer turned 9 this year!  I don't know why but for some reason it seemed like he should have been turning 10...I guess he just seems older than what he is or maybe it is that he is a lot taller than Easton was at his age.  I mean Dyer is wearing 10-12 clothes.  Easton just out grew that size about 6 months ago.  Valerie came over for dinner and cake.

Dyer shares his birthday with Grandma Gretch.  Nathan decided to make a still shot birthday video for her.  Here is Easton and Nathan making Easton's part of the video.  This video took about 2 hours to make and they took between 300-400 pictures!  My mom and I were pretty entertained through the whole process!

Behind the scenes: