Sunday, September 13, 2015

Easton guitar

While Blair and Dyer did hip hop, Easton decided to try guitar.  He picked it up really fast and I'm sad that we moved because he hasn't played since we moved.  Hopefully I can find someone to teach him so he can continue playing.

Dinosaur exhibit

We took the kids to Discover the Dinosaurs.  The kids seemed to have fun but I guess I was expecting a bit more for the amount of money we spent.  It was still cool and Easton was in heaven so I guess that is all that matters.


Boys (Dyer was pouting because he wasn't in the front)

Easton riding the dinosaur

Blair riding the dinosaur

Dyer riding the dinosaur

Digging for fossils

 Dino golf

Bouncy houses

Blakely was really tired and cranky by this time...

Hip Hop Performance

Blair and Dyer's Hip Hop teacher asked their class to perform their dance at a community event.  They were all a little rusty since their class finished about 2 weeks before this performance.  They were still really cute up there though.